Web-safe Colors for Your Site (Exclusive Article)

Here a table of Web-safe colors is shown with their HTML signatures. There are altogether 216 colors (Cube 6x6x6), the classification is implemented in colors. While Web-safe HTML colors are recognized by all web browsers, it’s hard to say that there are many good ones, and for exactly this reason, one always wants to use dangerous colors.

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Digg Algorithm For Scoring Stories

Here is a condensed version of what Kevin Rose & Jay Adelson confirmed as being some of the core elements used in determining the ranking (could substitute relevance here) for a story on digg. Again, these are my personal notes from our meeting with them and hopefully this will make it fairly clear what parts the "machine" looks for on new stories and user diggs. Also, if you know anything about seo, then all of this will sound a bit familiar. Digg is now where Google was circa 1999.

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Google’s -30 penalty

Webmasters in online forums have discovered a new Google filter that Google uses to downrank web sites in its result pages. Has this filter been applied to your web site? How can you avoid that Google applies that filter to your site?

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How RSS Feeds Can Build Traffic And Bottom Lines

This very fine article will explain the benefits of RSS feeds. The author covers 3 main topics: What Makes RSS Really Something Special, How to Get RSS Capability, and Turning Your Website Into a Dynamic Website.

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Website Traffic Statistics

If you want to know who visits your website, what other websites referred them, what country they are from, etc then continue reading this article. This information may interest you just for curiosity or because it's important to develop your business or project.

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Log File Analysis for SEO

This article is a very authoritative account of all the information you can derive from your website's traffic statistics. The author lists each stat then shows you the several things you can learn from it.

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